


(1)Chicago Booth 説明資料

Chicago Boothの特徴をまとめた簡単な資料を作成したので、こちらで共有させていただきます。9月の説明会で説明をさせていただいた内容とほぼ同じですが、キャンパスビジットで特にご質問をいただくことが多いファイナンスの特徴的なクラス、起業関連のプログラム、Experiential Learningについて、具体的なクラス名/プログラム名を含めて記載しております。


Chicago Booth オンライン説明資料 2013

(2)Chicago Boothが求める人物像について

説明会でも、キャンパスビジットでも、Chicago Boothは特徴のはっきりしている学校なので、フィットを意識して/アピールして出願していただけるように必ずお願いをしています。これに関連して、先日参考になる記事がBoothの学生新聞に載っていたので共有させていただきます。

Booth Resilient in the Face of Changing Economic Landscape



Within admissions, Booth has benefited from its commitment to finding people who are a fit for the program and its culture, regardless of industry interest. Kurt Ahlm, Associate Dean of Student Recruitment and Admissions, emphasizes that this approach serves the school well throughout the business cycle. “We really just look for fit and people who understand the culture. If we find these people, they always represent a large range of industries.”

One reason Booth students in particular have fared well despite the economic shakeup is what Admissions is looking for when it comes to that fit. Booth is well known for its flexibility and self-directed programming, and students who are attracted to that tend to thrive in dynamic environments. “It has served us well that we look for people who are resilient and adaptive to change,” said Mr. Ahlm.

That success has led some peers to take a cue from the Booth program. “Wharton has changed the way they market their program, emphasizing things like flexibility,” Mr. Ahlm said, “You see a lot of programs changing themselves over time, but Booth has stayed true to its values.”

Those values – adaptability, self-determination, intellectual curiosity, leadership – mean that Booth students are prepared to take on the world at graduation, regardless of transient industry trends or economic cycles. And with an army of Career Services, Corporate Relations and Alumni Relations staff pounding the pavement on their behalf, Booth’s success in the face of economic headwinds is less surprising then it may at first appear.

